- cilantro
- green onions
- oil
- red bell pepper
- garlic
how to cook
- take 3 garlic cloves then mash it.
- get a bowl and poor the oil in it but don’t put to much.
3. then put the three mashed garlic cloves into the bowl with oil.
4. Cut some cilantro but first before you cut the cilantro, you rinse the cilantro, then you cut it.
5. wash the green onions then you cut them but don’t cut them into little circles. Try to chop them a little smaller. then put them into the bowl.
6. wash the red bell pepper then you cut it into little pieces and then put them into the bowl with oil, cilantro, green onions, and and garlic. then put it in the fridge for three minutes. then you could eat it with steak, ribs and more.